Figure 1: Flower-themed A4-sized watercolour learning pad from Clairefontaine (product ID: C96098C).
Here at Easyink, we supply quite a range of Clairefontaine watercolour paper and pads for expert and beginner artists.
In this range, you can find both hot press and cold press paper, and watercolour learning pads.
Most of the Clairefontaine watercolour paper is cold press, with a rougher texture, but there are some Fontaine hot press pads, which contain paper with a smoother texture.
In addition to the usual cold press paper, we have a variety of more unusual textures. These include the coarse Fontaine 100% cotton Torchon paper and pad, extra rough and random Flamboyant paper and pad from 50% cotton and 50% cellulose, and cloud-textured Fontaine Cloud pad (and paper, see related products).

Figure 2: Some of the 6 prints that the Flowers watercolour learning pad will help you to paint (flowers and boat, fruit and architecture scene).
Clairefontaine make watercolour learning pads, containing:
- sheets of their 300 gsm watercolour paper
- 6 different prints and 6 pre-drawn sheets ready to copy
- a page of detailed instructions for one selected print
These learning pads come in 4 different options:
Also, we have Genuine Epson A3+ 190gsm Watercolour Radiant White Paper for printing artwork.